Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Take Me Out To The Ball Game!

Summertime means BBQ's, swimming, soaking up the sun, NO SCHOOL, lots of daylight, family vacations, etc.! But it also means BASEBALL! In our home we have a Yankees fan and a Red Sox fan. The rivalry is all in good fun but you might want to check the current standings John (haha). Actually the first known American reference to the game was in 1791 in Massachusetts in which the town of Pittsfield prohibited the playing of the game near the meeting hall. So I still win John...#newenglandgirl.
MLB aside, I've fallen in love with watching Rochester's Triple-A team. The stadium is nice, tickets are cheap and there's nothing better than sitting on a summer evening with a beer watching one of my favorite sports. The Red Wings are always hosting family friendly events as well. Click here for August and September promotions! Here are some of my favorite baseball books!

Check out which minor league teams you have near you! 

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